Is pedigree dry dog food killing dogs? Simple explanation

Not very long ago, Pedigree was a household name for dogs. Its convenience, attractive packaging, and beautiful marketing strategies ensured that dog owners chose it over other brands and food options.

However, in recent times, concerns have surfaced about the potential risks associated with Pedigree dry dog food. Pet owners are questioning whether the food they trust to nourish their furry friends might actually be harmful. Let's delve into the controversy surrounding Pedigree dry dog food, examining why some believe it could be detrimental to dogs' health. We shall delve deeper to give you answers.

Is Pedigree Dry Dog Food Killing Dogs?

The claim that Pedigree dry dog food is causing harm to dogs has gained attention, sparking debates within the pet owner community. It's essential to approach this concern with a discerning eye, considering various factors that contribute to the discussion.

Why is Pedigree Bad for Dogs?

Several reasons contribute to the scepticism surrounding Pedigree dry dog food:

Ingredient Controversies:

Critics point to the use of fillers and by-products in Pedigree, which may not align with the nutritional needs of dogs.


Evaluate ingredient lists and opt for foods with high-quality, wholesome components.

Nutritional Concerns:

Some argue that Pedigree may lack essential nutrients required for a dog's optimal health and that Pedigree dry dog food barely adds any nutritional value.


Consult with veterinarians to ensure your dog's dietary needs are met.

Additive and Preservative Presence:

The presence of additives and preservatives in commercial dog food, including Pedigree, raises concerns about long-term health impacts. There are claims that Pedigree dry dog food is loaded with these preservatives and additives, which can cause a lot of harm especially if your dog is sensitive.


Choose dog food options with minimal additives and preservatives, or opt for fresh food options. Cooking your dog’s food at home is the best option, but if that’s not possible for you, try to look for sellers who genuinely care about dogs and have not commercialized it for personal gain.

Concerns surrounding Pedigree Senior Dog Food

The discussion extends to Pedigree's senior dog food formula, as older dogs may have specific nutritional requirements. Evaluating whether this particular variant aligns with the needs of aging dogs is crucial.

Nutritional Support:

Senior dogs may require diets rich in particular nutrients to support joint health and overall well-being. Pedigree may not provide them all. Explore senior dog food options formulated to address aging-related nutritional needs or speak to the vet for recommendations.

Digestive Sensitivity:

Senior dogs might have increased sensitivity to certain ingredients, requiring easily digestible options. Opt for senior dog food with digestibility in mind. Pedigree may not be the right option here because it is not really known to be easily digestible.

Joint and Mobility Concerns:

Ageing can bring about joint issues, and selecting dog food with ingredients supporting joint health becomes essential. Look for senior formulas enriched with glucosamine and chondroitin instead of sticking to Pedigree.


The debate surrounding whether Pedigree dry dog food is harming dogs emphasizes the need for informed decision-making by pet owners. While concerns exist, it's crucial to approach the topic with a balanced perspective. Consider factors such as ingredient quality, nutritional adequacy, and individual dog needs when selecting the right food for your canine companion.

In the realm of dog nutrition, consulting with veterinarians remains paramount. They can provide tailored advice based on your dog's specific requirements, ensuring their diet supports optimal health and well-being. As the dialogue continues, responsible pet ownership involves staying informed and making choices that prioritize the health of our beloved furry friends.