Foods to avoid for high triglycerides in dogs: Simple advice from experts

You are what you eat.

This stands true for everyone–including your furry best friend.

Our beloved pets need a lot of love, attention, and delicious but healthy food because health concerns are growing by the day. One of the more common issues today is high triglycerides. This problem is directly connected to the food you give your dog. When ignored, it can escalate to severe situations.

High triglycerides in dogs can pose risks to their cardiovascular well-being. Understanding the foods to avoid is crucial for maintaining a heart-healthy diet. This guide provides simple advice, offering insights into what foods contribute to elevated triglycerides and should be limited in your canine companion's diet.

Foods to avoid for high triglycerides in dogs

Ensuring your dog's overall health involves paying attention to their diet. High triglyceride levels in dogs can lead to various health issues, emphasizing the importance of a balanced and mindful approach to their nutrition. Certain foods contribute to elevated triglycerides. Understanding which these foods are will help make informed decisions while curating your dog’s diet. Here are a few:

Fatty Meats

Dogs might love the richness of fatty meats, but these can contribute to increased triglyceride levels. In fact, fatty meats are the main culprits when it comes to health problems in dogs. This is why we advise that you limit cuts such as lamb and pork, which high fat content.

Commercial Treats

While treats are a beloved part of a dog's routine, many commercial options contain hidden fats and sugars. Opt for low-fat or homemade treats to avoid unnecessary additives. Keep an eye on the ingredients list to ensure you are not being tricked into buying unhealthy treats. We also recommend that you speak to the vet and get a list of safe commercial treats for your dog.

Processed Foods

Convenience often comes with a cost, as processed dog foods may contain hidden fats and sugars. Here, too, you should check ingredient labels for additives that may impact triglyceride levels.

Dairy Products

Full-fat dairy can be a source of excess saturated fats. It’s not a good option for humans or their lovely little pets. Limiting the intake of full-fat cheeses and milk can do wonders.

Certain Fish

You might be surprised to see fish in this list because it is often considered a very healthy protein source. However, you should note that not every type of fish is suitable. There are a few that you should either avoid or reduce the frequency of. One classic example is salmon. Choose lean fish instead, and your dog should be happy as a puppy!

Diet for High Triglycerides

Now that you have understood what to avoid, let’s take a look at how the right diet for high glycerides looks like. Tailoring your dog's diet to manage triglyceride levels involves making conscious choices. Consider the following dietary adjustments:

Low-Fat Dairy

Choose low-fat dairy options like plain yoghurt and cheese. Always ensure that dairy treats are within daily fat limits.

Healthy Fats

Introduce healthy fats through sources like fish oil and flaxseed oil. Monitor portions to maintain a balance because too much of anything is harmful, no matter how healthy the fats may be.


Berries such as blueberries and strawberries offer antioxidants. They are also extremely delicious. Incorporate berries into treats or meals for added nutritional value.

Whole grains

Whole grains such as brown rice and quinoa provide complex carbohydrates, offering sustained energy without the potential pitfalls of high-carb diets.


Colorful veggies like carrots and broccoli pack a nutritional punch while being low in calories, contributing to a heart-healthy diet.

Lean proteins

Lean meats like chicken and turkey provide essential proteins without the excess fats, supporting your dog's muscle health and overall well-being.

Tips for a Heart-Healthy Canine Diet

Managing your dog's triglyceride levels involves making mindful choices about their diet. By steering clear of high-triglyceride foods and incorporating heart-healthy alternatives, you contribute to their overall well-being. Remember to consult with your veterinarian for personalized advice on crafting the optimal diet for your furry friend. Here are a few tips from our experts:

Nutritional Supplements

Omega-3 fatty acids support heart health and can be added through supplements. Consult your vet for proper dosage and brands. Do not administer any supplements without speaking to the vet first.

Homemade Meal Ideas

Crafting your dog's meals allows you to control ingredients and cater to their specific dietary needs. Explore vet-approved recipes for a balanced homemade diet.

Hydration and Heart Health

Adequate water intake is crucial for overall health, including heart health. Ensure that your dog has access to fresh water throughout the day.


Balancing the canine diet for optimal heart health involves a nuanced approach, acknowledging both the foods to avoid and those to embrace. By understanding the impact of different foods on triglyceride levels, you can actively contribute to your dog's overall well-being. Remember, a nourished dog is a happy dog!